Dangerous Operation US Air Force: Events History
Dangerous Operation

For most of the Americans, it was their first real air operation of any consequence. For all, it was dangerous. because the Germans controlled the air from the start of the battle. Into this cauldron flew 54 Nieuport 28s, flown by 40 or more inexperienced Americans and a handful with some time over the lines in combat. The results were predictable. The First Pursuit Group lost 30 pilots—killed, wounded, missing or prisoners—during the six-week offensive. They were outnumbered and outfought.

The 27th Pursuit suffered especially, with six of its pilots lost on 1 August. The unit had to drop out of the action, and was sent to the rear to recover and to re-equip with the more rugged S.P.A.D. XIII. The corps observation squadrons did somewhat better, losing only one plane and crew per week on the average. The balloon companies lost all their balloons to enemy air action. but none of the observers, because they wore parachutes.

The German offensive was blunted, and the Germans retreated to positions along the Vesle River in August.